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Two Interesting Addition to the Known Avifauna of Colorado

Robert J. Niedrach
5 (September-October)
From Field and Study
Online Text

Two Interesting Additions to the Known Avifauna of Colorado

Although pievious field work in the vicinity of the Cimarron River, Baca County, Colorado, had proved that region to be a most interesting one, and had resulted in numerous additions to the known avifauna of the state, the writer did not look forward to obtaining specimens and the nests of two new varieties of birds within the short period of six days, between May 28 and June 3, 1923.

Colinus v. texanus, Four specimens taken several miles north of the Oklahoma boundary proved to be identical when compared with birds from Brownsville, Texas, and conformed in every respect with the descriptions of teranus. One of these birds was taken as it flushed from a nest containing eight eggs, which establishes a breeding record for this form in Colorado. Of interest in this connection is an example of texanus taken at Holly, Prowers County, Colorado, by Mr. Frederick C. Lincoln. This bird appears to be typical in every respect. Other examples taken in the same locality and by the same collector appear to be intermediate between texanus and taylori. Mr. Lincoln evidently failed to recognize the specimen as texanus, since it is identified as taylori.

Milvulus forficatus. Of a more surprising nature was the taking of three specimens of the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. These birds were among a total of seven observed. Not less interesting was the discovery of a nest under construction, and while it was necessary to leave the region prior to eggs being deposited, this evidence, together with the actions of the birds, appears to warrant the recognition of the species as breeding in Colorado.

These records are not without a degree of importance as furnishing further evidence of the extension of the Lower Sonoran Zone into that portion of Colorado.

Robert J. Niedrach

Denver, Colorado, June 14, 1923

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