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Two Specimens of Nyctala from Marin County, California

Joseph Mailliard
1 (January-February)
Online Text

Two Specimens of Nyctala From Marin County, California.

On December 11, 1901 I received a box from Thos. Irving, game keeper at Point Reyes Station, about ten miles from here, containing, besides a beautifully-marked partially albino western robin, a fine specimen in the flesh of saw-whet owl (NyctaZa acadica) which proved to be an adult female. I was greatly surprised at this take partly because this bird has been but seldom recorded from this state and then mostly from the higher ranges, and also because I have never heard any bird sounds that would correspond to the published description of the notes of this owl. Since writing the above note I have received another specimen of Nyctala acadica, also a female! from the same party and locality, shot on Dec. 23. It is strange that two specimens should have been taken within a few days of each other when no former record has been made, nor the note of this bird heard or its presence even suspected,in this county, asthis species is not supposed to be a migrant. Both birds were fat, though the stomachs were empty. They had probably wandered in this direction in search of food, but in all likelihood from some not far distant locality.

JOSEPH MAILLIARD. San Geronimo, Cal. 

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