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The Migrant, Vol 34 Issue 4

Tennessee Ornithological Society/The Migrant
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Mortality of Night Migrants at Nashville TV Towers, 1963 65

Amelia R. Laskey

Age and Sex Determinations of Tower Casualties, Nashville, 1963 67

Katherine A. Goodpasture

THE SEASON: Memphis, 71; Nashville, 71; Columbia, 73; Cookeville, 73; Knoxville, 74; Greeneville, 74; Kingsport, 76; Bristol, 76; Elizabethton 71The 1963 Christmas Season Bird Counts by T.O.S. Members and Guests: Memphis, 81; Lake, 81; Jackson, 81; Nashville, 81; Tabulated Counts, 82; Columbia, 86; Lebanon, 86; Cookeville, 86; Chattanooga, 87; Knoxville, 87; Great Smoky Mountains National Park, N.C., 87; Eastern Smoky Mountains, 88; Greeneville, 88; Big Bald Mountain, Tenn.-N.C., 88; Kingsport, 89; Bristol, 89; Elizabethton, 89; Roan Mountain 81ROUND TABLE NOTES: The First Nashville Christmas Census, by Albert F. Ganier, 90; White-winged Crossbills in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, by Arthur Stupka, 90; Goshawk Near Great Smoky Mountains National Park, by Arthur Stupka, 91; Mid-South Whippoor-will Distribution Runs, by Ben B. Coffey, 92; Red Phalarope in Greene County, by Mrs. Willis Clemens, 92; Winter Visitants, by Fred W. Behrend, 93; Sandhill Cranes in Blount County, by James M. Campbell, 93; Brown-headed Nuthatch in Chickamauga Park, Ga., by Rock L. Comstock, 94; Mrs. Robert J. Dunbar 4-11-1900 to 12-7-1963, by Muriel B. Monroe, 94; Whooping Crane News, 94; Peregrine Falcon Nesting Sites 90Contents for the MIGRANT for 1963, Volume 34 95

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