Online Text
In Memoriam - William Massie Walker, Jr. 1
Harry C. Monk
The Holston River Vulture Roost 4
James T. Tanner
The Round Table - Partial Albino Red-tailed Hawk, 7; Golden Eagle in Middle Tennessee, 7; Woodcock "Singing" at Nashville, 7; Pileated Woodpecker at Feeding Station, 8; Red-cockaded Wood-pecker in Mississippi, 8; Prairie Horned Lark and Lark Sparrow near McMinnville, 9; Cannibalistic Thrashers, 9; Robin Captures Small Snake, 10; Cardinals Not Always Sedentary, 10; Birds Cross the Atlantic on Ships, 11; Competition for Nesting Boxes, 11; Notes from Elizabethton on the Arrival Date of Purple Martins and Other Birds, 12; A Round-up of Chapters and Members, 13; A Conservation Project of the Elizabethton Chapter, 14; Annual Spring Meeting and Field Day, 15; Notes, Here and There, 15; Editorial 15